NLP Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer

Be Fearless

In The Pursuit

Of What Sets

Your Soul on Fire



Too often it is believed that a wildly successful and happy life is somehow out of reach, or reserved for “other” people. How many times have you stopped yourself from having the life you want because you were too afraid you wouldn’t get it?

Whatever you think you are, believe me, you’re so much more. Using my unique system of Neuro-Repatterning,™ I help you to be excellent in any domain, by helping you uncover your own source of personal power and the magnificence within.

Your Mind is the Instrument by Which You Create….Everything.

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My mission is to help people discover their magnificence, to set their soul on fire.


What Others Are Saying..

Sharla’s voice echoed the calm, and guided me through the process of recognizing, acknowledging, letting it go, and finding the lesson. It was an incredible experience to release anger, sadness, hurt, guilt, and fear. As I released each one, another wave of relief came over me. I felt lighter, I felt free and I even laughed at being astonished with the immediate result. It was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
— Patti, San Diego